• Ninja-Jump Bouncy Castle

    Our Ninja-Jump Castle is a generous size and perfect for your little one, whether they want it to be a Princess Castle, a Spy Den or just somewhere to jump to their heart's content, we have got you covered. 

    Ages: 12 and under
    Size: 5.5m x 5.5m
    Set-up Space Required: 7m x 6m
    Safety: 3 Fully enclosed sides, 4 sides with netting to ensure easy spectating, 1 small opening at the front to keep little ones safe inside. 
    Supervision: All Bouncy Hire Equipment must have an adult aged 18+ supervising at all times. 
    Anemometer: We will supply you will an anemometer for accurate wind monitoring at your location. 
    Hire Hub Platform: Safety is our priority, we will send you everything you need automatically from our Platform "Hire Hub", as well as weather updates to ensure your day goes smoothly. You will receive instructions through the day on wind/lightning/warnings/rain/change of weather, automatically with our consistent weather monitoring system.